The Art of Paying Attention

A 6-week guide for learning how to focus on the good around you and using your phone to tell the story of it all.

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Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳

Pam Dusbabek

Oh hi! My name is Pam Dusbabek and I have 10+ years of experience as a documentary family photographer in Red Wing MN, which means I love telling the visual stories of my clients as they live their beautiful imperfect lives. I love finding and documenting moments without posing or direction.

Tuning into my life and the magic moments that surround me everyday has been the best side effect of learning this type of photography and these days I document my life 100% with just my phone.

My inspiration for this photography is the belief that this life is filled with quiet, unassuming moments that most of us miss. Those are the moments that matter and deserve to be photographed.

Join me for a 6 week course on learning how to start paying attention to your own life and learning how and when to take out your phone to document the good stuff and when to put your phone away without guilt of missing out on your life.

What you’ll learn

  • Learn the settings that will help you take better photos on any phone

  • Learn to see your life in a completely new way so you never again have to ask “Should I take a photo of this?”

  • OK, you took the photos, now what? Learn to edit so your photos look timeless, not trendy.

Course FAQ

  • As an iPhone user, most visual examples are shown as iPhone. I do try to add Android examples where possible. Past the camera basics, the rest of the course is universal.

  • This is a self guided course, meaning you can take as much time as you need. Once purchased, you have full access to the material with the ability to download each lesson.

  • Absolutely not. I designed this course for photographers and would-be photographers of all abilities.